The Elmer Iseler Singers are joining SMAM in Montreal as part of “Five Centuries for 40 Voices”
Saturday, April 27, 2019 at 7:30 pm EDT
Delighted with its collaborations with the Choir of Trinity Wall Street (New York) in 2014 and with The Elora Singers in 2016, the SMAM is joining forces with Toronto’s excellent Elmer Iseler Singers this year to once again present a choral concert for 40 voices. The repertoire covers five centuries of choral music, from the work of great 15th century master Johannes Ockeghem to present day compositions, including certain monumental works by Guerrero, Marenzio, Lassus, Tomkins, and Gibbons, and a few contemporary masterpieces by Quebecer Claude Vivier and Canadian composers Murray Schafer, Hussein Janmohamed, Peter Togni, Imant Raminsh, and Healey Willan, Canada’s leading composer of choral works.
Tickets available from the SMAM website.
XVth, XVIth, XVIIth, XXth et XXIth century Choral Works
40 singers of the SMAM and the Elmer Iseler Singers (Toronto)
A cappella choirs
Lydia Adams Andrew McAnerney, codirection
Apr 27, 2019
7:30 pm EDT
Église Du Gesù Church
1202 de Bleury Street, Montreal, QC, H3B 3J3