Share some musical cheer as Lydia Adams conducts the Elmer Iseler Singers in classics including the ‘Hallelujah Chorus’ from ‘Messiah’, ‘O Holy Night’ and ‘Away in a Manger’. Don’t miss the 2023-2024 EIS James T. Chestnutt Choral Scholars, Manishya Jayasundera and Emily Taub as they conduct some gorgeous music.
You won’t want to miss our special guest storyteller – Canadian superstar tenor, Ben Heppner, as he reads Don Gilmor’s Christmas classic, ‘The Christmas Orange’ in his inimitable style, transporting us to another time and space!
We look forward to spending this special hour-long presentation with you and to sharing with you some marvellous musical holiday cheer!
You can donate to the Elmer Iseler Singers online, in person or by phone. Visit our Event Page for more details.